The Power Of The Words We Speak

All the words in your life - the succulent, angry, fearful, joyful words that part from your lips - you speak into being. Love, life, truth beauty - whatever it is that you speak into this world. Words have more meaning and power than we let ourselves realize. Words are spells - we spell those words with our lips, our tongue and our mouth and our thoughts. And when you speak negative words about yourself, your cells are listening. They don't know the difference between a joke and reality. Words are energy and they cast a spell (ing) out in your life.

And, just as you listen to music to that soothes you - those words that sooth you are even more powerful. That energy that you feel as you sing and as you speak have a certain vibration. And that vibration can either lift you up to who you really are like the words of truth and honesty - or bring you down.
They spell out your life's energy. And guess what? You are the leader of the band - the leader of you. You are the lead singer, the favorite, the author. What are you spelling about your life? Are you telling yourself negative thoughts about the way you live and lead your life?
Once we start to change that mindset about the way we talk about our life and the way we talk to ourselves, we start to change the feeling, vibration, energy in all of our cells and when that happens we move on to a different frequency and we can literally change our lives.
When we are not changing and evolving and moving then we are choosing to stay stuck right where we are. So take a deep breath and spell out your life with the words of divinity, magic, vibration, energy, positive feeling. Live your best life by singing, dancing, crying, falling, flying. Be all in and commit to being positive and making positive change and vibrations through your words and thoughts.
Remember...on the breath in, I am that - and affirm it with an exhale - that I am. Spell out for yourself what you want to live and then live it out loud.


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